Sep 11·edited Sep 11Liked by Ann Diamond

I'm truly gobsmacked. Only last night, I found myself reflecting on the term 'British Invasion' in a very conscious and deliberate way. And then this. Given its locus in the backyard of the City of London and the Tavistock Institute, the term suddenly revealed a more insidiously sublime and 'market-tested' origination. I happen also to be in the UK where things are a bit dodgy at the moment, to say the least. I note the timing of this post at (currently) five hours ago. So, both rough simultaneity and synchronicity. The term arrived to me as opposed to 'churning up' via normal cogitation. Hard to explain, but after awhile, I think we all come to a more textured sense of our mind's workings. Cheers.

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Thanks for your comment - it's nice and confirming. Wonderful synchronicity. And it was a "Full Spectrum" Invasion that opened new avenues of domination...

More to come.

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